Klaasimeistrid. Eesti klaasitööstuse ajalugu ja toodang


Author: Anne Ruussaar. Editor: Kadri Bank. Photographer: Vahur Lõhmus, Kujundus: Kairi Kalmann. Hardcover, 207 pages, in Estonian. Dimensions: 24.7 x 22 cm. Äripäev Publishing House. SA Eesti Ajaloomuuseum 2021.

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“Glass Masters” gives an overview of the oldest and certainly one of the most charming industries in Estonia – glass production. All the major glass industries are covered, as well as their owners, workers and artists. The book, richly illustrated with photographs, also contains a catalog for better recognition of glassware made in Estonia, where the items are classified according to material, purpose and age. Excerpts from the original factory catalogs are also included. The book is dedicated to the glass industry’s great name Johannes Lorupi 120. birthday.

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